Application Password
Application Password
In WordPress, an application password is a secure and unique authentication method used to access your WordPress site's REST API endpoints. It provides a way for external applications to interact with your WordPress site without directly using your account's username and password.
When you generate an application password, it is associated with a specific user account on your WordPress site. This password is separate from your regular login password and is specifically tied to the REST API functionality.
Step 1:
Log in to your WordPress site with an admin user account (a user with the administrator role).
Step 2:
Navigate to Users > Profile.
Step 3:
Scroll down to the “Application Passwords” heading.
Step 4:
Enter a descriptive name for your application password in the “New Application Password Name” field. This field is for internal use only and helps you identify what your application password is connected to.
Step 5:
Click the “Add New Application Password” button to create your password.
Be sure to immediately copy and paste your password in a secure location. Application passwords cannot be retrieved after you exit this screen.
Your user account can generate an unlimited number of application passwords.
We recommend generating one password per third-party app you connect with. This way you can easily disable and delete a single password if you decide not to use that third-party application or find that your password has become compromised.
Note: The generated application password is looks like “emEy jq8x zrbH vWKm Ph3t LXp9” Spaces are present in the password you can use this directly in your request with spaces or without spaces it is handled by WordPress itself